Owned by one of our members and has fired fewer than 300 rounds.
Threaded for mod (Wildcat Predator mod available with rifle if needed).
There are two marks on the barrel where the previous owner had applied tape to protect the finish from the moderator bushing. Unfortunately this has taken off a small amount of the factory finish.
Stock No: 5689

If you would like to purchase this firearm you must follow the instructions on your FAC/SGC. These are;
You must send the FAC/SGC to us;
We will enter the gun on it and return it to you;
We will notify your issuing force of the transaction;
We will then send the gun to the RFD you have arranged to receive it;
You must then produce the FAC/SGC to the receiving RFD when you collect it.
We will not send a gun to another RFD for them to fill in the certificate.
Carriage to your RFD or your RFD’s fee is not included unless agreed with us in writing.